ou 12x de R$ 34,24 com juros
Hobbywing  | 
Platinum V4
ESC HW Platinum V4 60A 3S-16S ideal para classe 380
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Hobbywing  | 
Platinum V4
ESC HW Platinum V4 60A 3S-16S ideal para classe 380
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por: R$ 350,00
R$ 332,50 à vista
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Não sei meu cep
Brushed/Brushless BL
High Voltage/Regular Regular
Cont./Peak Current 60A/80A
Input Voltage 3-6S LiPo
BEC Output Switch Mode:5-8V,7A
Wires & Connectors
Input Wires Red-14AWG-100mm*1/Black-14AWG-100mm*1
Output Wires Black-14AWG-75mm*3
Input Connectors No
Output Connecotors 3.5mm Gold Connectors (Female)
(Note: All the wire length above is the original length not the length you see from the outside.)
ESC Programing via
Transmitter Not Supported
LED Program Card Not Supported
LED Program Box Not Supported
LCD Program Box Supported
WiFi Module Supported
Program Port Separate Program Port
Firmware Upgrade Supported
Size 48.0x30.0x15.5mm
Weight 49g